Apple’s Design Concepts

Apple Design concepts are simple: end of line, ease of use and protection of the environment. These terms to hide the amount of thought, development, and work hard, whatever Apple product, but they produce products of style icons.

Sleek lines

One of the most exciting concepts Apple has recently is the Unibody. This is the outer casing for the MacBook Air, 15-inch MacBook Pro and the new MacBook.

The Unibody began life as a single piece of aluminum. With CNC (Computer Numerical Control) milling, and a laptop case in which Apple keyboard, trackpad, ports, display and overall electronics inside.

The result is robust and lightweight. The new aluminum MacBook weighs only 2.04 kg (4.5 pounds). It is small for a laptop with the same functions. It is increasingly difficult, even if, as the beautiful thin MacBook Air, 1.36 kg (3 pounds). These two laptops with the MacBook Pro, the attention of their technical perfection and elegance.

The Unibody is a simple concept, but an idea extremely difficult in practice to achieve. That is why manufacturers of laptops in general, their body parts. They allow room for error. The Unibody, but should be at any point of view, and if not, the internal components do not match.

This bold approach is typical of Apple. Another example is that of the iMac, Apple Desktops, technology behind the 20-inch and 24 inch widescreen. The iMac is a simple box with aluminum foil, except for a ferry on the merits, the access to the memory card. Ports, iSight, microphone, optical drive, and the internal parts are discreetly integrated. Together they provide a powerful computer that less space than any comparable PC.

The Mac mini is not as thin as the Apple notebook and iMac, but not thin, elegant. Instead, it is a good example, how a computer can be the quality of the background image is 16.5 cm (6.5 inches) of space, and 5 cm (2 inches) high . The anodized aluminum enclosure, Pearly white ceiling, rounded corners, and the silence of the Mac mini as a desirable goal, on a desk. It compares most of the standard of desktop PCs.

Apple iPods have a similar philosophy. Aluminum, glass and polished stainless steel high office next to curves and fine positioning. The wheel design classic and the Nano was also a symbol of its own, arising from the scroll wheel and touch the wheel of the older generation iPods.

iPod design, such as laptops, but also for the weight or to be precise, the lack of it. The iPod nano is only 36.8 grams (1.3 ounces), although the iPod shuffle with his beats showed that these bodies of 15.6 grams (0.55 ounces).

Ease of use

Only exterior design, however, did not Apple products at the cutting edge of multimedia technology. The drawings and hidden the compatibility of hardware and software within a Mac and the iPod have also contributed to achieving this goal.

This compatibility means that the user of an Apple product is a pleasant and trouble-free experience. The design of Mac OS X, for example, provides a quick and logical to Windows Vista operating system exceeds that in almost all respects.

Easy to use even for software with all the Mac Safari web browser. Safari is not only fast, you will find information on the Internet - it stands with the latest Web technologies, organizes your data and helps you make an element of another.

Safari success around the world as the best web browser, and the popularity of other Apple software like iLife, the suite of applications is partly due to frequent revisions. Apple design software do not wait until things happen: you are always looking for ways to develop and improve. Mac users can be confident that their software is current.

The same is true for the designer of the iPod. Ongoing design improvements include Genius, the songs in the playlist automatically, with the accelerometer games more fun to play, and the iPod nano with the shuffle function to agitation, and 3D graphics for the iPod touch.

IPod touch of course an excellent multi-touch screen, is an important element in itself. Apple also uses the Multi-Touch-concept on his laptop, and now the MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air trackpad glass more and more features than before. The result does not only more fun, these laptops to use - they also sleeker pleasure.

Concern for the environment

The third element of Apple in the design, the concern for the environment. The backlight for the screens contain no mercury, PVC, no internal cable and free from toxic FB (brominated flame retardants).

Apple promotes the quality of the recovery of aluminum and glass of arsenic, which most Mac and iPod case, and reduced packaging.

These efforts are important and are now all the time. The assertions are granting Energy Star status for the Mac, thanks to its excellent energy efficiency and coveted EPEAT (environmental assessment tool for electronic products) or comment for the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air

These results demonstrate that environmental protection can play an important role in the design of policies. No doubt, other companies will follow Apple drive.


Innovation is not to be seen here as a design concept, because it is a separate principle. With Apple, innovation is of fundamental importance for the existence of the business and strategy. Some manufacturers of view innovation as an end in itself, but Apple treats as part of the daily planning and development.

Customers can therefore be given to innovation. It identifies products, great to watch, easy to use, and that respect for the environment. In other words, they are brilliant design.

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